Chemical plant turnarounds, or shutdowns, are planned or emergency events in chemical plants that stop all operations to address maintenance concerns such as cleaning, inspection, and repair. These periods of nonproduction are crucial for maintaining chemical plant effectiveness and, most important, … [Read more...]
Safety Is Key in Chemical Storage Processing
When working around hazardous chemicals daily, just how dangerous they really are can slip our minds. Industrywide, safety is a major component of chemical processing. Here at Moon Fabricating, safety is the number one priority — for ourselves and our customers alike. Therefore, our custom made … [Read more...]
Storage Tanks Are Not One Size Fits All
Storage tank shape, construction material, and placement all play important roles in tank durability and safety — and ultimately the well being of those working around them. These factors vary widely across industries. Knowing the needs and specifications surrounding each tank is crucial for … [Read more...]
Dollars and Sense: Fight Back Against Corrosion
A common misconception is that metal products such as steel structures, tanks, or piping will last forever. While metals are inherently strong materials, they can still incur damage resulting in costly repairs and dangerous structural integrity losses. All types of metals are at risk of corrosion, … [Read more...]
Welcome to the New Moon Fabricating Website!
Industry managers need reliable and dependable fabrication and lining services that provide tanks and components that will stand up to a variety of conditions and uses. Moon Fabricating Corporation's success is based on providing high-quality, reliable custom fabrication solutions to customers like … [Read more...]
Are Your Tanks Up to Par? Take Another Look at Linings
If you work in industry today, you’re constantly innovating. To compete in the global marketplace, you strive to update your products, processes, and technologies. How about your process tank, mixing tank, and storage tank linings? Does this question seem out of the blue? It’s not; tank and … [Read more...]
Manage Your Process Equipment Project, Not Multiple Suppliers
In any equipment maintenance or replacement project, from a simple maintenance job to a full tank replacement during a process shutdown, everything is tight: time, budgets, and resources. Eliminating waste wherever possible brings substantial value. For example, with a conventional approach to … [Read more...]